Episode #243: Dr. Luke Benoit Recap - 5 Key Takeaways to Lower Your HDCP

 Let's recap the epic episode with Dr. Luke Benoit of Rypstick Golf from last week. If you're ready to start speed training with Rypstick make sure to use code "WICKEDSMART" at checkout or click this link to receive 10% off AND a FREE swing analysis from Dr. Luke himself. 

When you listen to this recap episode, you will learn:

  • The mindset for making swing changes.
  • How foam balls can help you make lasting changes. 
  • Why putting is a lot more mental than mechanical and how to practice effectively. 
  • Why you need to start speed training = 20 yards in 90 days or less is the RYP guarantee. 
  • The 80-year old perspective to help you get out of your comfort zone and play best in competition. 

Start training with Rypstick now to add speed & hit bombs!

Also, check out my goal setting checklist if you haven't confirmed your 2024 goals now that it's golf season! Learn more about the best speed trainers now. 

FREE 12-Page Guide: 3 EASY Ways to Add 10+ Yards in 60 Days (or Less) 

Learn proven strategies to gain speed and distance so you can lower your handicap fast. Enter your best email and click "Let's Go" to start reading.