Episode #33: Kiel Alderink on the "Zone" and How Personality Affects Performance

If you're like most golfers, you want to know how to get in the zone more often? The "Zone" is when things feel easy on the golf course and you're in a flow state.

Tiger Woods once talked about being in the zone and said he was so in it at times that he would not even remember hitting certain shots during the round. Chances are, you've been there too... even if it was only for a few shots or a few holes. 

This guest interview will change the way you play golf forever by helping you get in the zone.

Let me introduce today's guest... 

Kiel Alderink is the Head Performance Coach of Mental Golf Type. He is the Director of Instruction at The Academy at Black Creek in Chattanooga, TN and also remains a co-owner of his junior academy Champion Ways in Lake Bluff, IL. 

Kiel is recognized as a Top Teacher Under 40 in America by Golf Digest. Kiel is also listed as Top Teacher in Illinois by Golf Digest, and Golf Academy of America Top 25 Teachers. He is also a Class A PGA Professional and works with juniors, amateurs, and professional golfers. 

When you listen to this interview, you will learn:

  • The 4 facets of personality
  • Common mental game mistakes 
  • Why acting like Tiger might be a BAD idea
  • How your personality affects your golf game
  • How to get in the ZONE so you play your best golf  

To learn more about Mental Golf Type and take your own personality assessment here.


If you're looking more information about MGT check out the links below:

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