Episode #44: The #1 Mental Game System That WILL Lead to Lower Scores FAST

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Your personality affects your performance on the golf course. If you can sync your style of play with your personality, you can play better golf overnight.

I know, it sounds too good to be true, but I've used it and seen the results myself. After learning and implementing this method, I saw results instantly.

In fact, my first tournament, I hit 28/28 fairways by learning how my mind needs to pick targets to perform its best. Since then I've the principles to create a stronger mental game than ever before. Plus, it'll feel easy to learn because you are simply aligning your game with your unique personality. 

Once you play in a way that goes with your personality it's easy to get in the ZONE. You can avoid common stressors that kill momentum and play care free golf. 

In this episode, you will learn about Mental Golf Type (MGT) and how it can help you shoot lower scores. You will learn:

  • How to find your personality type
  • My top lessons from this mental game system
  • How extroverts vs. introverts should play golf 
  • Why playing like Tiger Woods might be hurting your game 

And so much more. 

Click the link to take your FREE personality test now


If you're looking more for a mental golf program, I highly recommend the Mental Golf Type too. Check out the links below:

FREE 12-Page Guide: 3 EASY Ways to Add 10+ Yards in 60 Days (or Less) 

Learn proven strategies to gain speed and distance so you can lower your handicap fast. Enter your best email and click "Let's Go" to start reading.