Episode #84: How to Create a Pre-Shot Routine Like a Pro

A pre-shot routine is one of the few constants in golf and something that you can control. A pre-shot routine will also help you:

  • Stay calm and focused

  • Improve your pace of play

  • Block out negative thoughts 

  • Find your target and commit to a shot

  • Take your range game to the golf course 

But most importantly, it will help you get into the zone.

When your pre-shot routine becomes automatic, you can easily get in the zone and let your subconscious take over. This is where greatness comes and it’s almost an out-of-body experience. 

To get these benefits on the golf course, you need to first create your routine on the range. In this episode we'll cover:

  • Why you need a waggle
  • How bad routines lead to meltdowns
  • The importance of breath in your golf swing 
  • Why you need to analyze the lie before picking a club
  • The correct amount of time to spend over the golf ball

And more golf tips to help you have a pre-shot routine like a top player. Make sure to check out Pre-Shot Like a Pro video training now.


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