Look and Shoot Putting System Review: Going Unconscious on the Greens

The Look and Shoot Putting System changed my golf game dramatically.

Let’s rewind… in January 2021 my putting was struggling. Five years previous, I had quit my corporate job to pursue professional golf and entrepreneurship. While the pro golf dream transitioned into becoming a top amateur, I was still doing anything I could to get better.

At the time, my putting was definitely a glaring weakness in my game. Despite endless practice, buying a $400 PXG custom fit putter, and reading every tip possible, I still averaged nearly 34 putts per round. While I had some good days, they were few and far between.

During a one-day qualifier in January 2021, I was hitting it well, but had three 3 putts in the first 7 holes. Disgusted with myself, I hurled my brand-new putter back toward the cart and watched it skip across the cart path. 

I was horrified, I thought I had just ruined my newest club. The Golf Gods felt mercy and somehow, it didn’t have any damage. I went on to have one more three putt that day and 36 total putts - needless to say, I didn’t make the qualifier.

One year later, I had dropped more than 4 shots per round and averaged 29.5 putts in the 2021 season. This method saved my game… keep reading to learn more about it and how you can use it to roll the rock like Tiger Woods on the greens. 

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Look and Shoot Putting System Review 

As I mentioned, the Golf Gods had mercy on me during that qualifier by not damaging my putter. They must’ve felt awful about my performance because later that day, they offered a solution to my putting woes.

After the pitiful performance, I sat at my desk, drinking a beer, logging my stats, hoping to find an answer. My long game had never been better, but I couldn’t buy a putt. What was I to do?

Facebook gave me the answer thanks to some great marketing by Automatic Golf. I got hit with a targeted ad about the “Look and Shoot Putting System.” 

Being a golf writer and avid player for 20 years, I thought to myself, “What is the look and shoot putting system?”

So I clicked over to the sales page and was intrigued to learn more about this system. It was more of a putting manifesto more than a sales page, it was like the person who wrote this was in my head.

Statements like: 

  • “Experience tells me that you’ve over complicated the putting game. You think too much about it and you try too hard.
  • And when you do sink some putts, it’s anything but easy. You feel anxious. You get nervous. And you lack any sort of belief that you can do it again.
  • Missing lots of putts can drive you to the point of despair. And if you miss enough important putts that you know you should be sinking can force you from the game.” 

I felt like he was speaking to me - I was desperate and ready to try ANYTHING to become a better putter. So I hit the buy button and bought the $27 digital product (it's now $97 but has a PDF book + online videos as well). I remember saying to myself, “It’s not like I can get worse.”

Little did I know that would be the best money I’d ever spent. 

Look and Shoot 101 (What is Automatic Golf?)

As soon as I got the material, I dove into the content and was impressed. The creator, Cameron Strachan, makes putting simple! If you’re looking for a quick fix but one that is also long-term, you will love this system.

It’s unlike anything I’ve ever heard of and uses “Natural Learning” to help you putt your best. Cameron was my first guest on Wicked Smart Golf Podcast and here’s a good clip from our interview explaining natural learning. 

Aside from natural learning, what makes this system so unique is the use of a secondary task. For example, he recommends counting or singing while you're putting to keep your conscious mind busy. This allows you to go unconscious (aka, get in the zone) and perform your best.

Because here’s the thing, your conscious mind can only have one thought at a time. When it’s occupied, you then rely on your subconscious to do everything else. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind and responsible for 90% of everything we do, every single day.

Don't get me wrong, when I read about this in the program, I was a bit skeptical myself. But when I went to the putting green, I realized that it worked instantly! 

Here’s a clip from my interview with Cameron explaining how a secondary task can help you putt with 10X more confidence. 

Other lessons covered in the training include:

  • Common putting mistakes
  • How to get out of a putting slump
  • How to always get your speed properly
  • The art of “presetting” for 10x confidence
  • Why green reading isn’t as important as you think
  • The most effective pre-putting routine to calm nerves 
  • The best practice routines to actually improve during each session

Plus, how to “Einstein” your putts with your conscious mind, which you can learn more about in the video below.  

My Results

A year later, in January 2022 I was recapping my previous year and diving into my statistics to see what to work on in the off season. When I crunched the numbers, I had to do a double take… 

My putts per round went from 33.5 to 29.5! 

I had some of the best finishes in Arizona Amateur golf events, USGA qualifiers, and casual rounds. I’ve had some of my best rounds ever, including:

  • 23 putts in a competitive round
  • 24 putts in a competitive round 
  • 6 birdies on multiple occasions (including US Amateur qualifying) 

But the best part is that I don’t practice nearly as much as I used too. While I should work on fundamentals a bit more at times, I never waver with my “Automatic” routine. Now, my golf buddies couldn’t believe the turn around either and several of them have started using this system too.

Putting is a strength of my game and haven’t thrown the flat stick since that fateful day. Once you learn how to go unconscious on the greens, you can become automatic, too. It frees up the rest of your game on the course and allows you to work on other parts in practice.  

Start Putting Better Today 

While I highly suggest you invest in this product, here are a few tips that will help you gain confidence on the greens.

  • Speed up your routine. Standing over the golf ball for a long time won’t help you putt better. Usually, this extra time just leads to negative thoughts + mechanics to enter your mind. 
  • Trust your first instinct on the greens. Your gut reaction to how a putt will break will be right 90% of the time (or more). Trust yourself so you can hit the putt with conviction. 
  • Use a secondary task when putting. For example, I count down from 100 as I walk to my ball so my conscious mind is busy and allows me to go unconscious on the greens. 

Questions About the Look and Shoot System 

Do you have more questions about this unique putting method? If so, we’ll hopefully answer them below.

What is automatic golf?

Automatic Golf is a brand from Cameron Strachan that uses “Natural Learning” to help you perform better. It’s unlike most golf advice and doesn’t focus on mechanics but, instead, using your natural learning abilities to play better golf. 

What are the four skills of putting?

The four skills of putting are:

  • Reading the putt
  • Get the putter and body aligned to your read
  • Getting the ball rolling toward your target properly
  • Controlling the distance so that you get it to the hole (and if you miss, it’s still a tap in)

This system addresses each of these items and will give you more confidence than you thought possible. 

What are you supposed to look at while putting?

The ball so you keep your head stationary during your stroke. While some players look at the hole instead of the ball, it’s not common. Looking at the cup means you’re essentially putting blind and requires enormous trust in your stroke. 

For the everyday golfer, I would not recommend this method. Instead, use the Look and Shoot from Automatic Golf to get the most out of your game. 

Do you look at the ball or the putter when putting? 

You should look at the ball, not the putter. This will make it easier to keep your head still as you take your putting stroke. If you watch the putter, you risk head movement, which can change your stroke and lead to inconsistent strikes.

While there are a lot of ways to putt and types of putters to use, one common trait among the great players is a stable head. By keeping your head stationary, it will help you hit the ball on the sweet spot and give it a great roll. 

Closing Thoughts 

So, how do I rate the Look and Shoot method?

Easy… a 10/10

It’s so simple it’s almost hard to believe. I’ve seen first hand in my own game how this method can transform the way you perform on the greens. Remember, I went from 33.5 → 29.5 in one season and I practiced 60% less! 

I know it sounds too good to be true, but it truly works. If you’re ready to take your game to the next level, this system will do it for you. 

>>Click here to learn more about the Look and Shoot Putting System.

More than 100+ wicked smart golfers have used this system now, look at the messages I get from golfers. 


To get more putting tips, check out some of the most popular putting episodes of Wicked Smart Golf below:

And don't forget to buy a PuttView yardage book to help you read greens too. 

FREE 12-Page Guide: 3 EASY Ways to Add 10+ Yards in 60 Days (or Less) 

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