WhyGolf Alignment Mirror Review - The Best Alignment Training Aid?

Are you tired of spending money on lessons only to see mediocre results?
Here’s the truth, getting lessons might help your game. But ultimately, how you practice when you aren’t with your coach is exponentially more important.
A golf coach can help you with fundamentals - like grip, stance, takeaway, etc. - and provide drills for better practice sessions. But working with a golf coach is sort of like working with a personal trainer. A trainer can give you a challenging workout for 60 minutes, but the other 23 hours of the day matter a lot more.
The same goes with golf. If you want to build a more consistent game, you need to make sure you’re practicing the right way when you're at the range or simulator.
The WhyGolf Alignment Mirror is a new training aid that will help you practice with purpose and avoid bad habits that most golfers make. Keep reading to learn more about this awesome training aid that works for all types of golfers.
WhyGolf Alignment Mirror Review
The second pillar to playing wicked smart golf is learning how to practice like a pro. One of the most important fundamentals for a consistent golf swing is alignment. If your alignment is off, your swing can go bad in a hurry (trust me, I know).
During my 20+ year playing experience, I’ve found that most golfers make the same mistake - aiming too far right. When you’re aimed too far right, your mind will course correct and force you to get steep and pull it back to the target. Which creates a lot of weak, pulled slice shots that most golfers know all too well.
Which is why proper alignment and a good setup are key to your golf swing. Alignment rods are helpful but they only help with one thing - your aim. They neglect other parts of your setup like head position, weight at setup, or ball position. All of which are crucial to making consistent contact with the ball.
Enter the Alignment Mirror from WhyGolf.
How to Use the Alignment Mirror
While putting mirrors are common in the golf world, no one had made one yet for the full swing. Here's how this training can help 10X your practice sessions.
The Alignment Mirror is a lightweight device that you can keep in your bag, as it easily fits in the apparel pocket. Take it out of the carry case and insert the two small alignment rods into each side.
Then, aim the rods at your intended feet line, parallel left of your target. Get your feet aligned to the bottom of the mirror/rods and then setup to the ball. Use the mirror to check your shoulder alignment next and ensure they aren't closed or open.
From there, setup accordingly in the mirror based on the various sight lines. The red line should be in the center of your chest. The mirror allows you to see if your body is too far ahead or behind the ball at setup. For iron and wedges, you want to be directly over the ball, with maybe 5% more weight on your lead leg.
The other lines right or left of it represent the ideal ball position, depending on the club you’re hitting. You also want to make sure you can see your head in the mirror, otherwise you’re standing too far away from it.
Once you’re set up correctly, here's how this small device can help you practice like a pro.
Provides Immediate Feedback
While there are a lot of benefits to using this new training aid, the one that stands out the most is the instant feedback. What separates a good from a great golf training device is one that acts like a coach, even when you’re practicing alone.
Here’s the thing, most golfers mindlessly hit range balls without checking fundamentals. But this device can help and ensure you aren’t setting up incorrectly.
Take a second before each swing to evaluate your ball position, weight at setup, feet, and shoulder alignment. If you can get into the same setup position over and over again, you will build a much more reliable swing.
Easy to Use
Another separator between training aids is how easy they are to use.
I’ve tried a myriad of devices over the years and while they are all well intended, some are just too difficult to use consistently. Too many have collected dust in my garage because they’re too much work to set up and use consistently.
This is not the case with the WhyGolf Alignment Mirror. It’s small, fits in your bag, and is incredibly easy to use. No need for an app or bunch of tutorial videos.
Take it out of your bag and start evaluating your setup for a more consistent golf swing.
Extremely Versatile
Another benefit of the Alignment Mirror is that it works for all types of players. Whether you’re a pro or beginner, it helps with a good setup position.
Don’t forget, even the pros are always working on fundamentals like setup to avoid developing any bad habits. You should do the same!
Plus, it works in all types of conditions. Whether you’re practicing indoors at a simulator, at the driving range, or in your backyard with a mat/net setup.
Not to mention, it also helps with your chip and pitch shots too. Make sure to focus on getting more weight on your lead foot (to the left of the red line if you’re a right-handed golfer) to ensure a proper strike.
Other WhyGolf Training Aids to Consider
Here are three other products I’ve used and recommend from WhyGolf to help with various issues in your game.
Alignment Discs Lite and Padded Alignment Rods
Alignment rods are used for more than just checking feet alignment, as they’re very popular in a variety of driving range drills. However, you can’t do a lot of popular drills when hitting off a mat; that’s where the Alignment Discs come in handy.
You can set your discs down and insert the alignment rod to create different angles to improve your swing path, plane, takeaway and other drills. Use them to easily fix a hook or slice.
The discs pair great with the Padded Alignment Rods, so you can safely practice without taking a pool noodle to the driving range.
Pressure Plate
One of the biggest mistakes most golfers make is hitting thin and fat shots.
While a variety of factors contribute to inconsistent ball striking, one of the main issues is not transferring your weight properly. In general, most golfers have too much weight on their back foot at impact, which leads to hitting up on the golf ball, instead of creating forward shaft lean.
Sadly, I’m saying this from a lot of experience, as I’ve hit more thin shots than I care to admit. But the Pressure Plate helped me out and taught me how to transfer my weight properly.
The Pressure Plate makes it simple to transfer your weight and get through the ball at impact. Plus, the new addition - the Power Wedge - makes it very effective to help with your chipping too.
If your short game needs more help, consider the Chipping Plate too.
The Putting Thing
The final device is the Putting Thing, which is a fantastic training aid to help with your putting. While it’s important to work on your full swing fundamentals, don’t neglect your short game.
The Putting Thing is one of the best putting aids because, like the mirror, it provides instant feedback. You’ll instantly know if you pushed or pulled a putt, so you can tweak your setup or stroke to straighten out your putts.
Additionally, it works with all types of putters and is very easy to use too. Not to mention, you can putt indoors on a mat or outdoors on the green.
WhyGolf Guarantee
I’m a big fan of WhyGolf training aids and know they can help with various issues in your game when used consistently. Plus, they offer a fantastic 99-day guarantee for the Alignment Mirror and all their products, so you can buy with confidence.
Closing Thoughts
WhyGolf makes amazing products and the new Alignment Mirror is no exception. It will benefit all golfers to get aligned properly and build a better setup position.
When you’re set up for success, it makes the rest of the golf swing a lot easier. Use it with any club, indoors or outdoors, and watch your swing improve.
If you want to learn more about WhyGolf training aids, make sure to watch the video podcast below where I interviewed the creator, Brad Mason.